Author: Jaimie Murdock

  • Thoughts on Dawkins

    Just wanted to highlight an excellent article on Neuroanthropology about Richard Dawkins.

    Neuroanthropology: Richard Dawkins on ‘Elders’

    I saw Dawkins speak in October and was very non-plussed by the whole experience, since then I’ve wanted to write a very similar article. The article captures what I wanted to say with eloquence. This piece is not just reflective of Dawkins but a larger cultural trend. When he was at IU, he answered a barrage of pretty terrible questions from a mostly groveling audience. (“I am an atheist, but you are my God” was said and is admittedly the most ridiculous exemplar, but the general tone was maintained.)

    One of the key problems is that Dawkins seems to rail against a very particular kind of theism – that of the omnipotent, omnipresent “guy in the sky” which can rail down thunder and lightning in a feverish outbreak of fury. I don’t think that’s what the majority of people conceptualize when they see the divine. When Dawkins answered a question about life’s purpose, he got at what a lot of people agree with – a general sense of wonder and marvel at the infinite complexity of life, and the immense grandiosity of the universe.

    Also, he asserted that the Pope, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and other religious leaders have no problem with evolution and their faith coexisting. You cannot study biology without evolution, and to accept creationism as scientific fact is raw ignorance. Instead of focusing arguments on polarization like theism vs. atheism, why not just strike at the core? Ignorance and bigotry are terrible in any incarnation, but are not a direct result of having any theistic conviction.

    If Dawkins (and other new atheists) aim to make the world more “scientific” the emphasis should not be on any epistemological claim that replaces religious belief with scientific “belief”. Rather, they should teach people to engage the world, to challenge their beliefs, wrestle with them and question them. By teaching people to accept science as something “to believe in”, we gain nothing except struggles when scientific “doctrine” is found to be a misunderstanding – as has happened at countless junctures in the history of science. By teaching engagement we can challenge our assumptions boldly and discover the next step on the long path to truth. Carl Sagan puts this desire eloquently on the first pages of Cosmos: “If we long for our planet to be important, there is something we can do about it. We make our world significant by the courage of our questions and by the depth of our answers.”

  • 2009 in Music

    I’ve been a member of (my profile) for almost three years. is a social music recommendation engine. It does this by collecting play counts (scrobbles) through iTunes, your iPod and any number of other media players (download). It then examines the music of people with similar listening habits. This is augmented by a tagging system. These recommendations are then piled into a radio station, tailored to your tastes.

    Personally, I don’t use the radio stations that often, but the site offers other benefits. The historical information allows for some powerful investigations of musical taste – and with three years of data and nearly 35,000 plays I have an impressive personal dataset. It’s all accessible through the API. This makes it possible to create really cool mashups, like LastGraph, which creates awesome visualizations of listening history:

    Today I started using the pylast Python library to track the evolution of my musical tastes from last year to this year. Here’s a quick recap:

    ’09 Artist ’08 Change
    1 Wilco 1
    2 Radiohead 3 (+1)
    3 The Avett Brothers 6 (+3)
    4 The Decemberists 13 (+9)
    5 The Beatles 2 (-3)
    6 Say Hi 12 (+6)
    7 Third Eye Blind 21 (+14)
    8 Counting Crows 4 (-4)
    9 Nickel Creek 9
    10 Nada Surf 73 (+63)

    Note: Links in italics point to Amazon Associate links, plain links should be YouTube videos.

    Radiohead has solidified itself as one of my favorite bands. I rediscovered Hail to the Thief, which I had never properly listened to before. The entire album seethes with a beautiful driving anxiety, which re-emerges in later songs such as Bodysnatchers and Jigsaw Falling Into Place. Of course, Wilco is still first, but largely due to the strength of their old catalog. Wilco (the Album) was released this year but was generally unimpressive.

    The rise of The Avett Brothers and The Decemberists to the top 5 highlights an embrace of “new folk”. I saw The Decemberists live in August which was an absolutely incredible experience: they took the stage in silence and played straight through The Hazards of Love before breaking for a set of old favorites. I find it hard to listen to the album now, as the piece has aged well with practice and performance. The Avett Brothers released I and Love and You in September, which is now one of my favorite albums – from the opening meditation on “three words that became hard to say” to the final resignation of being “Incomplete and Insecure”.

    Indie pop has been rising up my charts. Say Hi is number 6, even though half their music is tagged with Say Hi to Your Mom – if the two tags were combined we’d probably be looking at one of the top 5 slots. Say Hi is one of the most under-appreciated bands I know – lyrically and musically they’re great fun. Oohs & Aahs was released in March and last year’s The Wishes and the Glitch was an incredible turn for the band. I also discovered Nada Surf, which rose an impressive 63 places to make it to the top 10. Particularly, I’ve enjoyed the albums Let Go  and Lucky (especially the song Weightless).

    90s alternative and pop rock is not quite as prevalent as it once was. As the release of Saturday Nights & Sunday Mornings grows more distant, the Counting Crows have been declining. On the other hand, Third Eye Blind has made a huge jump – their eponymous release has to be one of the best albums of all time, particularly Motorcycle Drive-by. They released a new album this year, Ursa Major, which has a few good songs, but doesn’t have the same luster as the original or Blue.

    Finally, the Beatles Remasters are one of the best things to come out last year. While I haven’t been listening to quite as many Beatles songs (falling from 2nd to 5th), the remasters have made the experience new again. For the audiophile, there’s several things that have been changed – the most noticeable of which is the crisper bass throughout the discography. I’m not sure I’d pay twice for all the albums, but it’s a highly recommended collection.

    A few other artists worth mentioning from the past year, despite not making the top 10: Joe Pug’s Nation of Heat EP is an amazing testament to folk music that belies his age – just listen to the lyrics of Hymn #101. His first album will be released in about a month, and I can’t wait. Also, I’ve been rocking out to Dan le Sac vs. Scroobius Pip’s Angels. Scroobius Pip is a British MC with an awesome beard with some amazing diction – check out The Beat That My Heart Skipped and Look for the Woman, which have been stuck in my head forever. In a more dance-y vein, I’ve been checking out dubstep – a techno style marked by the “wobbly bass”, heard clearly in Africa VIP. A great album to get into the style is Caspa & Rusko’s Fabriclive.37.

    What should I watch for in 2010?

  • Spring Break in DC

    For 2010, I’ve decided that the adventure part of my identity needs some attention, so I’m going somewhere for Spring Break. I’ve decided to go to Washington DC, as I’ve never been and have really grown to appreciate our political process and common history. Here’s what I’ve got scrapped together so far:

    When: March 11-16, 2010
    Where: Washington DC

    • Depart Thursday, March 11 around 9pm to catch the midnight Amtrak Cardinal from Indy to Union Station. Spend the night on the train and the next day observing the beauty of the Appalachian Mountains from railcar. Arrive on Friday at 6pm. – $59 for coach, 18-hours in transit including 1 night.
    • Check in at Hosteling International – Washington DC, which is 4 blocks from the National Mall. Set up home base for the next 4 days, find some grub and walk around for a while. – $30/night in the dorm.
    • Saturday-Tuesday are pretty open- I would be content to spend hours in the Smithsonian and the National Archives. Of course, there’s all the monuments, and I suspect I’ll spend plenty of time just chilling in the Mall.
    • Gilberto Gil (, the former cultural minister of Brazil and Creative Commons advocate, will be performing a concert on Saturday night at George Washington University – this would be super awesome. Seats start at $35, but I think it would be an awesome experience.
    • Leave DC around 5pm Tuesday, March 16. Catch plane from Baltimore to Indy. $9 for Amtrak to Baltimore, $78 for BWI->IND direct flight. Arrive around 10pm.

    Overall, I think the plans look good. I’m very excited about travelling by train. The hostel is insanely convenient and includes free breakfast. A cheaper place would likely end up costing more due to transportation and lost time. I chose a flight back because the train would cause me to lose two days – it departs on Wednesday at 11am and arrives Thursday at 5am, after which I would just sleep all day. It seems the base for this is around $270, including lodging, transportation and breakfast. Most of the monuments and museums are free, so lunch and dinner would be the major incidental costs.

    Does anyone have any tips for DC? Any places that you would or wouldn’t see? General critiques?

  • Google Reader

    Time for some housekeeping. First of all, Google Reader feeds:

    T-Rex is Lonely – spinoff of Dinosaur Comics and Garfield Minus Garfield
    Calvin & Hobbes – Bill Waterson’s genius, delivered daily 🙂
    Soul Shelter – Great blog about connecting with others in the modern, technological world. Required reading: In Defense of Solitude (Part 1, Part 2)

    The most significant changes have not been in new feeds, but rather in a trimming of my high volume feeds. This has freed up an insane amount of time, which I’ve put towards real reading (7 books in the past 6 weeks).

    First Read – Super good for inside politics, but since the elections, I don’t feel there’s quite as much to do. We worked to hire the legislators, now it’s their turn to do their job.
    Five Thirty Eight – amazing analysis by Nate Silver, but it’s become too dense for interest without the horserace.

    GOOD transparency – despite the excellent infographs, I wasn’t reading this as much as I should have.
    Yahoo! News Top Stories – too much noise and time, even without reading them. The world goes on without breaking news.
    LifeHacker – LifeHacker was insanely interesting, and I read nearly everything, but I feel I’ve got my productivity system down now.

    The Master Subscription List has been updated.

  • Computer Science

    Indiana University’s Department of Computer Science has been completely absorbed by the School of Informatics (SoI). I’m not entirely comfortable with this decision, as what we do in Computer Science (theory and algorithms) is very different from Informatics (applications to other areas). Also, Computer Science students are a very different breed from Informatics students – there’s a number of differences in the curriculum.

    Anyways, the new SoI bulletin has completely revised the BS CS degree program. It is now much more streamlined. Core courses have been reduced from 6 to 4 and upper-level requirements have been reduced from 7 courses divided amongst various first letter and second number distinctions to 5 courses in a simplified concentration. My concentrations will be Artificial Intelligence and Programming Languages.

    These changes have dramatically altered the next three years. I was 5 CS courses away from graduation. Under the new requirements I have only 3 more, which can be from a broad list of related courses. Instead of taking every undergrad CS course, I’m now going to be able to take Artificial Life, Bioinspired Computing, The Computer and Natural Language (NLP), and Search Informatics: Google Under the Hood (MapReduce). These have all been on my radar, but since they were in the Informatics program, they did not meet any CS requirements. Now I’m able to shave a semester off my graduation and take some (hopefully) more interesting courses.

    There are some issues with the changes – there is a lot less emphasis on theory, which is the hallmark of the IU CS program. Since I’m staying on an extra year for the Professional Masters program I’m not concerned about my education, but it is alarming that people can get away with only 6 CS courses when the old program required 13. (I’ll graduate with 10.)

    At any rate, I’ll be out by Fall 2011 instead of sometime in 2012, and that’s awesome.

  • Computers

    Today I got my new computer and figured I may as well brag about specs 😉 Here’s a list of all my networked devices, they join Carlo Angiuli’s computers along with the other housemates’ laptops, iPods and phones. We have a total of 14 devices on our network – egads!

    UPDATE: 1/21/10 – OS upgrades for singularity and little-guy

    • singularity – my new primary desktop. 8x as fast as sweetness and consumes half as much total power.
      AMD Phenom II X4 905e – 2.5GHz, 65W energy efficient
      4GB DDR3 1333
      AMD 785G
      AMD/ATi Radeon HD 4200 (integrated)
      3x500GB SATA II
      Samsung 22x DVD-RW
      Operating System
      Gentoo Linux 2.6.32 & Ubuntu 10.04 “Lucid Lynx” & Windows 7 Professional
    • sweetness – my stalwart companion for 5 years. She’s still an excellent single core system, but we live in an era of immense parallelization, so it’s time to move on. Any new usage ideas?
      AMD Athlon 64 2800+ – 1.8GHz, 89W, overclock to 2.4GHz for gaming
      2GB DDR 400
      nVidia nForce 4 SLI
      nVidia 7900GS 256MB
      160GB, 80GB SATA
      18x DVD-RW, 20x DVD-ROM
      Operating System
      Gentoo Linux 2.6.32 & Windows XP Professional
    • media-pc – generic name avoids over-attachment. This beautiful box drives our 37″ panel upstairs and hosts our household media.
      AMD Athlon X2 4850e – 2.4GHz, 45W energy efficient
      4GB DDR2 800
      AMD 780G
      ATI Radeon HD 3450+3200 hybrid crossfire
      2TB SATA II
      22x DVD-RW
      Operating System
      Ubuntu 9.10 “Karmic Koala”
    • little-guy – the netbook, a Dell Mini 9 [review]
      Intel Atom N270 – 1.6GHz
      1GB DDR2 800
      Intel 945G
      Intel GMA 950
      4GB Solid State
      Operating System
      Jolicloud Pre-beta
  • Hymn #101

    Yeah I’ve come to know the wishlist of my father.
    I’ve come to know the shipwrecks where he wished.
    I’ve come to wish aloud among the overdressed crowd.
    Come to witness now the sinking of the ship.
    Throwing pennies from the seatop next to it.

    And I’ve come to roam the forest past the village
    With a dozen lazy horses in my cart.
    I’ve come here to get eyed
    To do more than just get by
    I’ve come to test the timber of my heart.
    Oh I’ve come to test the timber of my heart.

    And I’ve come to be untroubled in my seeking.
    And I’ve come to see that nothing is for naught.
    I’ve come to reach out blind
    To reach forward and behind
    For the more I seek the more I’m sought
    Yeah, the more I seek the more I’m sought.

    And I’ve come to meet the sheriff and his posse,
    To offer him the broad side of my jaw.
    I’ve come here to get broke,
    Then maybe bum a smoke.
    We’ll go drinking two towns over after all.
    Well, we’ll go drinking two towns over after all.

    And I’ve come to meet the legendary takers.
    I’ve only come to ask them for a lot.
    Oh they say I come with less than I should rightfully possess.
    I say the more I buy the more I’m bought.
    And the more I’m bought the less I cost.

    And I’ve come to take their servants and their surplus.
    And I’ve come to take their raincoats and their speed.
    I’ve come to get my fill
    To ransack and spill.
    I’ve come to take the harvest for the seed.
    I’ve come to take the harvest for the seed.

    And I’ve come to know the manger that you sleep in.
    I’ve come to be the stranger that you keep.
    I’ve come from down the road,
    And my footsteps never slowed.
    Before we met I knew we’d meet.
    Before we met I knew we’d meet.

    And I’ve come here to ignore your cries and heartaches.
    I’ve come to closely listen to you sing.
    I’ve come here to insist
    That I leave here with a kiss.
    I’ve come to say exactly what I mean.
    And I mean so many things.

    And you’ve come to know me stubborn as a butcher.
    And you’ve come to know me thankless as a guest.
    But will you recognize my face
    When God’s awful grace
    Strips me of my jacket and my vest,
    And reveals all the treasure in my chest?

    Joe Pug – Hymn #101
    Buy the EP on Amazon

  • Most Influential

    What is your biggest influence?

    It’s an open question – the {noun} that most influenced your calling/work/studies/career/purpose/etc to date: book, article, movie, paper, film, photo, story, person, relative, musician, artist, website, event, gadget, activity, anything! What’s the one thing that got you into what you’re into?

    For me it’s the Towards 2020 Science Report (2.3MB PDF). The buzz I had after reading this report was incredible. We are standing literally on the precipice of scientific revolution – just as the discovery of algebra and calculus prompted the scientific revolutions of ages past, the development of computation is completely changing how we can look at the universe. Everything can be modeled. We can create “artificial scientists”. This awesomeness is why I do artificial intelligence.

    Right now – what is that thing? What is your biggest influence? What sparks your fire?

    Edit: Had to republish and refocus on school/career/interests – in the grand scheme of things there are other influences of greater or equal stature. 🙂

  • New Feeds

    The regular feed update – this one is fairly substantial with new blogs from all over the place.

    Astronomy Picture of the Day – excellent images from NASA that truly inspire discovery

    Apokalips – I like this comic. It is fairly new to the scene.
    Overcompensating – This is a great webcomic, fairly classic, not-so-classy. I was absolutely hooked with Awkward People Island.
    Thinkin Lincoln – not sure why this wasn’t on my list yet – the comic is enshrined on our Internet Wall (along with xkcd and dinosaur comics). Quality has gone down lately (since the Bermuda Triangle arc), but the author just switched to a weekly format, so that should help. After all, Space Trips are only A Question of Science in the Two-Party System 🙂 [bonus win]

    Paul Krugman Blog – one of the most influential economists of our times. His daily political musings are interesting and often turn me to other cool resources.
    Paul Krugman – his New York Times opeds

    Wired Top News – Fills the void in tech reporting that Ars Technica doesn’t cover. Great general geeky science stuff.

    Cognitive Science
    Neurophilosophy – good blog on the brain and philosophy from Science Blogs.

    Study Hacks – good blog on becoming a better student, following many of the principles established by the rest of my Productivity section: doing less is more (to an extent)

    DailyTech – DailyTech sucks. There is little to no editorial process – every single article has at least 3 typos and just wrong information. I could write better stuff in 7th grade. They also lag behind the rest of the tech journalism world by 2 days or so. I’ve kept subscribed to them because they had general science news and great hardware review overviews, but now that I’m a redditor, I don’t need this.
    Reddits – see the reddit post

    The master subscription list has been updated.

    New to RSS or Google Reader? How I Do Google Reader

  • Reddit

    This week I signed up for reddit. My Google Reader had accumulated 5 or 6 subreddits, so I was pretty much using the site already. The same thing happened with Twitter – I was following 6 or 7 people through Reader and finally decided it was time to give back.

    The site is basically a much better, more filtered version of Digg. It’s not as good-looking, but it’s way more functional. You subscribe to different topics you are interested in and the main page aggregates all these “subreddits” on the main page, so the articles that show up should at least be relevant. You are able to vote articles up or down and comment. You can also submit new articles, or submit a general question for fellow redditors to use. There are 5 tabs on the top of each reddit: what’s hot, new, controversial (voted equally up and down), top (best of), saved (your bookmarks in that reddit). These can lead to really cool hive mind things, like a list of best TED talks.

    My reddit subscriptions are mostly for tech stuff:, politics, technology, programming (proggit), science, linux, cogsci, Python, javascript, Ubuntu, hardware, compsci, cyberlaws, tedtalks, java, PHP. If you join up, I’m JaimieMurdock.

    Because reddit is not responsible for lost productivity, I’ve set a 20 minute limit for every 6 hours in LeechBlock, which is in effect all day every day. It takes some enforced self-control not to be consumed 😉